Tags: Partners
Partnership with like-minded organisations is critical to our ongoing success. Our generous sponsors contribute collaborative events, funds, products and services that help us protect and promote climbing access. We couldn't have made it this far without the support of our partners and sponsors – a massive thanks and arohanui to you all!Partnering...
Did you know that donations made by companies may be eligible for a tax deduction? A tax deduction reduces the amount of income assessable for tax purposes and can be claimed when filing your annual tax return (IR4).
Company donationsACAT is an IRD-approved charity and donee organisation, ao companies that donate to ACAT are eligible to claim a...
The New Zealand Alpine Club (NZAC) has been instrumental in developing and supporting ACAT and our organisations intend to maintain a close working relationship into the future. NZAC’s member surveys have shown that climbing access is a top priority for its members, a majority of whom are rock climbers in addition to having other interests. NZAC...